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Planning Board Minutes 09/22/2014
Planning Board Meeting Meetings
Recorded by Sherry Fox
September 22, 2014

Attending: RMarshall, SChicoine, PRenaud, SFox, KOConnell, and JFletcher,

7: 00 PM Minutes
PRenaud began reading the September 8, 2014 meeting minutes.  Several spelling, punctuation and replacement of words were done. No substantive changes were made. KOConnell moved to accept.  SFox seconded.  Voted unanimous in favor

7:08 PM Mail
Invoice from Southwest for Plan NH Charrette Maps
Invoice Allrose Farm Country Weddings from Upton & Sinclair
Invoice UPS EDDM  announcing Charrette- $119.18
Invoice Ledger Transcript  $143.50
Receipt of Site Plan Review for Allrose Farm Country Weddings
Receipt of Advisory Request from ZBA re: Allrose Farm Country Weddings

7:10 PM Old Businesses
Charrette Update –
RMarshall updated the board on the Charrette and is looking to confirm who is able to attend the sessions and dinner.  RMarshall would like volunteers from board members for Friday from 4 on and on Saturday to assist with the needs of the Charrette.

PRenaud updated the board on the Planning Workshop with the LGC that he and RMarshall attended on running a land use board. He thought the workshop was very informative.  Good suggestions, including basics about notifications, following up on applications and keeping track of the application process. They suggested spreadsheets that could help keeping the files up to date regarding what was done, when it was done, and what was needed.  

RMarshall also commented on the workshops regarding administrative tasks and responsibilities.  There was some great information on procedures and how to make sure things are accurate and effective.  A goal for the Planning Board next year would be to review/update procedures.  

PRenaud also attended the Impact Fees for Land Use Workshop.  This workshop was half legal and half technical. The first half was presented by a lawyer, and noted that if you are having impact fees, it has to be going toward an improvement in the town that is in whole or part for the good of the town. The second part was presented by an engineer and he discussed traffic and road impact fees and how to figure out these fees.  The slide shows for all sessions will be available on their website in late October after all of the lectures are complete.

7:30 PM  Public Hearing – Tree Trimming
RMarshall passed around signup sheet for the public to sign in. RMarshall noted that this Public Notice was noticed twice in the newspapers following our September 8, 2014 meeting, as required by RSA.  It has also been posted on the town website and at the Greenfield Post Office.   

RMarshall asked APatt to update us on why this additional hearing was being held.  APatt let the public know that the public hearing for Tree Trimming was previously insufficiently noticed based on noticing procedures of RSA 231:158.  The goal of this additional public hearing is to ensure that the tree trimming had been properly noticed per RSA 231. All public comments from the initial public hearing on August 25, 2014 are considered to be part of this hearing.  This new hearing is to cure the technical deficiency and move forward with the tree trimming.

CDumas asked why the whole town is not being done and that in the previous meeting it was noted that it was not cost effective.  CDumas asked, “What is the cost for the bucket truck to trim the whole town.”  APatt noted that it is $800 a week for the lift.  Last year the town was notified that mirrors were damaged on town vehicles due to trees and brush.  CDumas asked “Can we have a number of how many mirrors were damaged due to the trees?” APatt said he would follow up with the board with this number.

GRainier noted that in the past the lift was used and trimming was past the height of the telephone poles leaving stubs and some of the branches were never picked up.

On behalf of Fire Department, LWhite wanted to thank the DPW for wider lanes of travel and fewer obstacles for the fire trucks. They really appreciate it.

CDumas asked the Planning Board to deny any cutting on the scenic roads as he did not feel that DPW was equipped for this role.  APatt read from RSA 231 which requires the town to maintain all public roads. APatt also noted that RSA 231 for Scenic Roads does not prohibit cutting by landowners as long as it is based on how the roads were originally designed.  The municipality has the responsibility to notice this properly and we have the responsibility to ensure roads have safe travel ways.

CDumas commented that the RSA does review regenerative trees protection.  The traveled way is where the tires are on the road, and cutting is allowed 3 feet from the traveled way.  

APatt noted that one of the things we could do in the future is adopt a more restrictive process for tree trimming on the scenic roads.  He noted he will be more than happy to review and have more discussion regarding the interface with the DPW and the land owners.

7:49 PM Public Hearing Closed

7:50 PM Deliberation
There was discussion regarding homeowner testimony that the town has been steadily widening the roads over the years and the DPW is able to cut 3 feet from the travelled way.  The biggest question from homeowners has been; what exactly is the traveled way on these scenic roads.  Every scenic road is different which makes it hard to define.   It was noted that there may need to be clearer definition of traveled way in the future for scenic roads.

JFletcher made the motion to allow the DPW to move forward with the tree trimming.  SFox seconded.  SFox and SChicoine voted in favor. JFletcher, KOConnell, and PRenaud Abstained.

8:02 PM Public HearingAmendment to the Site Plan Review Regulation
The Public Hearing was called to order.  No members of the public were present.
RMarshall noted the purpose of this hearing is to amend our Site Plan Review Applications to bring our notification procedure into compliance with current state RSA.  

This hearing was noticed in the newspapers, at the Greenfield Post Office, in the Town Office and on the town website.

8:03 PM Public Hearing Closed
RMarshall presented the proposed change, which reads as follows:

“Section V Procedure

3.      Notice for any public hearings on a Site Plan Review Application shall be sent by certified mail to the abutters, the applicant, holders of conservation, preservation, or agricultural preservation restrictions, and every engineer, architect, land surveyor or soil scientist whose professional seal appears on any plat submitted to the Board. “

JFletcher moved to accept the proposed change.  KOConnell Seconded.  Vote was unanimous in favor.

8:04 PM Tree Trimming
There was additional discussion regarding tree trimming noting that the DPW has an obligation to keep the roads safe.  The Planning Board will need to continue to work with residents and the DPW to find common ground.  It was noted that we may need to have a subcommittee created to work with APatt and DPW to move forward with a process and procedure that the residents will be more comfortable with.

8:19 PM Advisory Request from the Zoning Board of Adjustment
RMarshall noted he had received a request from the ZBA for a Planning Board opinion on a request from Allrose Farm Country Weddings for a Special Exception.

Review and discussion regarding Section VI Non-Conforming Buildings or Land followed. Discussion was suspended at 8:30 p.m. due to other business on the agenda. It was agreed to resume discussion later in the meeting.

8:30 PM Proposed Fire Training Structure
LWhite, MBorden and DHall of the Greenfield Fire Department came to propose building a training structure for new members of the department here in Greenfield.  DHall has taken an active role in the training of the GFD and they will be kicking off a fundraising event to raise funds to build this facility.  They came to the Planning Board for input and to be transparent in the public interest.  

At this time, there is not a firm plan in place as the fire department plans to build this structure themselves.  The cheapest structure that can be purchased is around $50,000.  This building will not have any facilities and will only be a dry structure.  They would like this structure to be located on municipal land behind the fire station, however, the location for this is not finalized.  It was noted when the GFD had given the easement for the well for the elderly housing facility, that Fire Department would be able to access some use of land from the municipal parking area.  RMarshall asked if this was documented.  LWhite stated he believes it is in the minutes.

RMarshall asked how much space would this take? If using the current space, it could encroach on the 75 foot well easement.  LWhite noted that the building would be approximately 20x20.  He was asked if it is a training facility, will it have fire in the building?  LWhite said ideally it would be able to handle a fire.  MBorden noted that the State was at the Fire Station this weekend with a training trailer and they use hay and wood pallets to get the heat inside the structure to 600 degrees.  The fire is actually in a small pit, but you are able to get the sense of being in heat and smoke and allow Firefighters to train.

JFletcher asked, “How frequently would you use this structure?”  LWhite said ideally they would like to use it monthly, potentially more, including allowing neighboring towns to train here as well.  SChicoine asked “Do you think this will help to recruit new members?”  LWhite believes it will bring excitement and the benefit to train locally.  KOConnell asked,  ”If other towns will be using the facility, will they be willing to contribute?”  LWhite noted DHall had spoken to other towns and they have expressed a great deal of interest and have offered to contribute.

DHall noted that facilities in Concord are designed for professional fire fighters and they schedule during the day.  We need to look at alternatives and regionalizing training for our towns.  This would be a simple structure representing a residential home which is more appropriate for what our local fire departments deal with.

KOConnell asked about other locations in town, such as by the DPW site for this structure.  LWhite noted that it would be more convenient to have one at the fire department as they would have access to all of the additional facilities there.  DHall noted that he thought the location at DPW should be looked into further and they are open to looking at other locations in town, as long as the training stays within the town.

RMarshall noted that we need to do things to encourage volunteerism and he likes that Greenfield would be providing leadership for local towns.  Where this is located will need further discussion.  LWhite noted his concern with the recycling center is that they would be co-existing on this land and it is a public location.  RMarshall asked if they had considered Oak Park for this facility as it would offer facilities for fire fighters as well as a location separate from the public.  Another location to consider is the area near the community leach field.  

RMarshall asked if they would be willing to bring up this proposal at Charrette at one of the public sessions.  LWhite said he would be happy to and if anyone had any thoughts or ideas to please pass them along as they are open to input.

9:03PM Discussion continued on Zoning Board of Adjustment Request
Further discussion regarding the property use and requirements of Section VI Non-Conforming Buildings or Land of the Zoning Ordinance were discussed and reviewed.

9:16PM JFletcher made a motion that the Planning Board recommend to the ZBA that this use warrants a special exception based Section VI.1 of the Zoning ordinance.  PRenaud seconded.  SChicoine and KOConnell abstained.  SFox, PRenaud, and JFletcher voted in favor.

9:18PM Old Business
RMarshall noted that under the current Site Plan Review Regulations, we have a number of duplicate fee structures.  We want to correct this to ensure uniformity and accuracy.  The Board agreed to move forward with administrative changes to the site plan review application form and Site Plan Review checklist. RMarshall will work with Catherine Shaw to make these changes.  

9:30PM Motion to Adjourn
KOConnell moved to adjourn.  PRenaud seconded.  Voted unanimous in favor.